I'm back from a short break (literally) because my all-in-one called it quits in less than 5 months of service. Here is a trade summary of the cards I recieved from Kerry over at Cards on Cards.

I really enjoyed this trade because Kerry did some digging in his junk wax boxes and found these capstone cards for me. That's right, he completed several team sets for me: 1992 Stadium Club, 1988 Fleer, 1991 Upper Deck , 1992 Studio, 1992 Donruss Rookies, and 1990 Topps Traded. The Topps Traded goes in my Topps Orioles binder and completes the entire year's set (base and traded). I remember watching all of these guys play on TV except Mike Young.

Here are 3 of the more interesting cards from the trade. What can I say about Brady Anderson that I haven't said before. The cameramen always captured some sort of great shot of him. I have alluded to this before in a previous post. I didn't realize that Andy Van Slyke even played for the O's before this year. Here is the photographic evidence. I have featured Ben McDonald before but don't think he was holding a bat. According to BaseballReference.com, he had one career AB in the majors. He struck out.

I will be seeing these two guys next weekend. Saturday to be exact. I will be at the National in Baltimore to get their autographs. That will complete my HOF Orioles Autograph Collection!
A big thanks to Kerry for the great cards that he sent!