I was able to get away this past weekend at the request of my good friend Blake to the card show in Raleigh, North Carolina. Sports cards are his business and livelihood. He doesn't believe in the financial burden of a physical shop but he is a very successful streamer on Whatnot (has the largest store on the platform) and sets up most weekends at shows all over Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina. We're about the same age, and our card collecting background is pretty similar. We both appreciate the nostalgia of cards from the '90s and have large PC's of our favorite teams (he's a Twins fan and I don't hold that against him!). This lead to a quick friendship he trusts me and my knowledge (of baseball cards at least) enough to help him keep an eye on the table and charm customers into buying cards they don't need.
I was happy to make the trip down and help out for the weekend. It was a busy show with lots of foot traffic. It wasn't all work and no play however. The perks of being a dealer at a show is getting in early "to set up" and prepare for the day. Our set up takes 10 minutes at the most to set up so that leaves plenty of time to go shopping for ourselves. While he was working on deals to bring in more inventory, I found some cards to bring home to the nest.
I've been on the look out for the Orioles from the Kellogg's sets since fall of last year. They aren't terribly expensive and I could grab them off of COMC at any time. Its about the chase though. You knew that already, though.
I grabbed a handful of insert set needs from the cheap boxes. I'm one card closer to the Dick Perez Diamond Kings set (1982 through 1996) with the Eddie Murray. I thought the Heart of the City cards from Topps Chrome were really cool as well as the All-Aces and Black Golds from the last few years. I'm always on the look out for them.
Some PC pickups here. I love Raywave refractors of any kind which probably stems from my real life job. The Mancini will look nice in my PC of his cards. Bundy is a nice pickup for less than a buck. I think that Beam Teams are a box hit. I had never seen the Brooks card before and at a quarter, I'll definitely take it. The Grayson was 2 bucks and I love green cards of any kind. Easy buys.
Oh Austin Hays, I'm sad that he's gone from the Orioles but I know why they made the trade when they did. Either way, both being numbered parallels, being orange, and of a favorite player make these some of the easiest buys of the weekend.

This particular weekend I made some awesome pickups for my Cal Ripken PC. I usually struggle to find Ripkens I don't have. I was able to add this pretty new Ripken All-Star relic card from 2024 Topps. I love 1989 Topps and especially the All-Stars subset.
The next Ripken I picked up was this Etch-A-Sketch insert from 1998 Topps. I had assumed that Topps made this insert using some sort of computer program or something. Not so. This is an actual Etch-A-Sketch "drawing" by an actual person. Wow, I had no idea until I read the back of the card. The guy who made the real life Sketches had some serious talent.

My favorite Ripken pick up of the weekend was the insert from 1999 Skybox Molten Metals. This is from the Heavy Metals Fusions insert set. It a decently rare insert that I knew I needed when I saw it. I used to think that Skybox and Pacific were rip off brands and didn't really pay them that much attention when they first came out. I guess at this juncture of my collecting life I've really come to appreciate the risks that some of the "off the beaten path" issues took back then. Case in point is this card. The dots that you see on the right side are actually tiny pinholes which classify it as a die cut. The scan really doesn't do justice to easily my favorite pick up of the weekend.
I'm still learning the higher end of the card market. I have stayed in my comfort zone of the card industry for quite some time. It may have something to do with how I was brought up and cherishing every pack of '92 Topps I bought from the local grocery store or the '93 Donruss I bought from the drug store. I totally understand the lower end of the market and Blake has been kind enough to show me the ropes of buying and selling higher dollar raw and graded cards and I am grateful for his tutelage. I am just as grateful to have another card collecting buddy to call a friend.
All that being said, the weekend was quite enjoyable at the card show in Raleigh and I picked up some great additions to my collection.