I went to my mailbox the other day and got my Group Break package from that Dimwit who lives in Texas. Let see what's was in the package:

This is my favorite card from the Dimwit's Gypsy Queen group break for obvious reasons. I like getting new Ripken cards, especially ones right hot of the presses. I'm not totally in love with Gypsy Queen's design but it's nice enough for me to want to open a few packs of the product.
Here's just a couple of the mini's that I got too:

I think I did rather well with the mini's from the Gypsy Queen boxes. I ended up with a total of 7. I'm not 100 percent sure but that might be the most out of all the other teams. I like the black bordered Vlad. I'm not sure what the seeding ratio is of them into packs but I know they are sweet looking.
I am a little worried about the collation in these boxes. This is not a knock on Sam or his group break in any way. It's not his fault that he pulled 4 Adam Jones, 3 Vladimir Guerreros, and 3 George Sislers, and 2 Cal Ripkens (I'm not complaining!) out of the 2 boxes. I'm still missing most of the team set which I though I would have gotten had there been proper collation. I would think that after 60 years Topps would have had this issue licked by now but I guess it's just wishful thinking on my part. How could I expect the base cards to be properly collated when there are many, many reports in blogland and other forums that many hobby boxes have been short one autograph or even bereft of either of the promised ink cards?. I can't make a final judgement on this product until I am able to rip some packs open myself though. I still have yet to see any at my local retail establishments so I can sample the latest and greatest Topps has to offer.
Thanks to the Daily Dimwit for the group break.
Great cards man! I'm especially happy that Vlad now has an O's card so that I can try to get it signed for my collection!